November 2024
Guttipatti P, Saadallah N, Ji R, Avula UM, Goulbourne CN, Wan EY. “Quantitative 3D electron microscopy characterization of mitochondrial structure, mitophagy, and organelle interactions in murine atrial fibrillation”. Journal of Structural Biology. 216(3):108110 (2024).
Guttipatti P, Ji R, Saadallah N, Wan EY. “Development of novel 3D in vivo tracking of myofibroblasts and fibrosis with panoramic optical mapping after murine myocardial infarction”. Accepted oral presentation at American Heart Association 2024 conference.
Guttipatti P, Ji R, Saadallah N, Avula UM, Dasrat P, Parsons S, Wan EY. “Neurocognitive and vascular dysfunction in a murine model of atrial fibrillation is attenuated by mitochondrial catalase”. Accepted poster presentation at American Heart Association 2024 conference
April 2024
Pavithran Guttipatti, Najla Saadallah, R"Novel 3D whole heart optical mapping imaging shows rotational reentry sites of ventricular fibrillation originate at border zone sites of mitochondrial dysfunction", (control number 16957), has been accepted as a flatboard poster at the 73rd Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology, April 6-8, 2024, in Atlanta, GA.
Najla Saadallah, Pavithran Guttipatti, Ruiping Ji, Elaine Y. Wan, "Chaotic and organized rhythms: What Are the Substrate Differences Seen In 3D Panoramic Optical Mapping in Atrial Fibrillation vs. Atrial Flutter", (control number 16957), has been accepted as a flatboard poster at the 73rd Annual Scientific Session of the American College of Cardiology, April 6-8, 2024, in Atlanta, GA.
July 2021
Dr. Melki is been selected to take part in the Cardiac Electrophysiology Society Young Investigator Award Competition, as a finalist nominee on July 28th
Dr. Melki will be presenting the poster “Panoramic Optical Mapping and Micro-Computed Tomography for 3D Characterization of the Arrhythmogenic Substrate in Murine Hearts”, at the Heart Rhythm Society 2021 Annual Scientific Sessions, Boston, MA on July 30th.
Amar D. Desai, Brian C. Boursiquot, Catherine J. Moore, Hasan Garan, Rakesh Gopinathannair, Elaine Y. Wan, Marc P. Waase, Geoffrey A. Rubin, "Autonomic Dysfunction in COVID-19", Heart Rhythm Society 2021 Annual Scientific Sessions, Boston, MA (Poster Presentation).
Original Peer Reviewed Articles (* demarcates first author and senior author publications)
Guttipatti, P., Saadallah, N., & Wan, E. Y. (2024). Pulsed Field Ablation for the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation: A Review and a Look into its Future. The Heart Surgery Forum, 27(2), E169-E179.
Lee PY, Garan H, Wan EY, Scully BE, Biviano A, Yarmohammadi H. Cardiac arrhythmias in viral infections. J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2023 Nov;66(8):1939-1953. doi: 10.1007/s10840-023-01525-9. Epub 2023 Mar 16. PMID: 36929368; PMCID: PMC10019413
Knops RE, Reddy VY, Ip JE, Doshi R, Exner DV, Defaye P, Canby R, Bongiorni MG, Shoda M, Hindricks G, Neužil P, Rashtian M, Breeman KTN, Nevo JR, Ganz L, Hubbard C, Cantillon DJ; Aveir DR i2i Study Investigators (Wan, EY). A Dual-Chamber Leadless Pacemaker. N Engl J Med. 2023 Jun 22;388(25):2360-2370. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2300080. Epub 2023 May 20. PMID: 37212442.
Tourni M, Han SJ, Weber R, Kucinski M, Wan EY, Biviano AB, Konofagou EE. Electromechanical Cycle Length Mapping for atrial arrhythmia detection and cardioversion success assessment. Comput Biol Med. 2023 May 30;163:107084. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2023.107084. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37302374
Ezzeddine FM, Pistiolis SM, Pujol-Lopez M, Lavelle M, Wan EY, Patton KK, Robinson M, Lador A, Tamirisa K, Karim S, Linde C, Parkash R, Birgersdotter-Green U, Russo AM, Chung M, Cha YM. Outcomes of conduction system pacing for cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with heart failure: A multicenter experience. Heart Rhythm. 2023 Jun;20(6):863-871. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2023.02.018. Epub 2023 Feb 24. PMID: 36842610; PMCID: PMC10225322.
Ciaccio EJ, Coromilas J, Wan EY, Yarmohammadi H, Saluja DS, Peters NS, Garan H, Biviano AB. Lateral Boundaries of the Ventricular Tachycardia Circuit Align With Sinus Rhythm Discontinuities. JACC Clin Electrophysiol. 2023 Jun;9(6):851-861. doi: 10.1016/j.jacep.2022.11.037. Epub 2023 May 24. PMID: 37227361.
Girvin ZP, Sweat AO, Kochav SM, Maurer MS, Dizon J, Wan EY, Biviano A, Garan H, Yarmohammadi H. Tafamidis and Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation in Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy. JACC Clin Electrophysiol. 2023 Apr;9(4):586-587. doi: 10.1016/j.jacep.2022.11.005. Epub 2023 Jan 18. PMID: 36752478.
Lee PY, Garan H, Wan EY, Scully BE, Biviano A, Yarmohammadi H. Cardiac arrhythmias in viral infections. J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2023 Mar 16:1–15. doi: 10.1007/s10840-023-01525-9. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36929368; PMCID: PMC10019413.
*Pollevick ME, Wan EY. Editorial: The role of sex in cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2023 Mar 3;10:1158376. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2023.1158376. PMID: 36937918; PMCID: PMC10021107.
Yarmohammadi H, Wan EY, Biviano A, Garan H, Koehler JL, Stadler RW. Prolonged PR interval and incidence of atrial fibrillation, heart failure admissions, and mortality in patients with implanted cardiac devices: A real-world survey. Heart Rhythm O2. 2022 Dec 22;4(3):171-179. doi: 10.1016/j.hroo.2022.12.009. PMID: 36993911; PMCID: PMC10041089.
Svennberg E, Tjong F, Goette A, Akoum N, Di Biase L, Bordachar P, Boriani G, Burri H, Conte G, Deharo JC, Deneke T, Drossart I, Duncker D, Han JK, Heidbuchel H, Jais P, de Oliviera Figueiredo MJ, Linz D, Lip GYH, Malaczynska-Rajpold K, Márquez M, Ploem C, Soejima K, Stiles MK, Wierda E, Vernooy K, Leclercq C, Meyer C, Pisani C, Pak HN, Gupta D, Pürerfellner H, Crijns HJGM, Chavez EA, Willems S, Waldmann V, Dekker L, Wan E, Kavoor P, Turagam MK, Sinner M. How to use digital devices to detect and manage arrhythmias: an EHRA practical guide. Europace. 2022 Jul 15;24(6):979-1005. doi: 10.1093/europace/euac038. Erratum in: Europace. 2022 May 09;: Erratum in: Europace. 2023 Feb 16;25(2):486. PMID: 35368065.
Perino AC, Wang PJ, Lloyd M, Zanon F, Fujiu K, Osman F, Briongos-Figuero S, Sato T, Aksu T, Jastrzebski M, Sideris S, Rao P, Boczar K, Yuan-Ning X, Wu M, Namboodiri N, Garcia R, Kataria V, De Pooter J, Przibille O, Gehi AK, Cano O, Katsouras G, Cai B, Astheimer K, Tanawuttiwat T, Datino T, Rizkallah J, Alasti M, Feld G, Barrio-Lopez MT, Gilmore M, Conti S, Yanagisawa S, Indik JH, Zou J, Saha SA, Rodriguez-Munoz D, Chang KC, Lebedev DS, Leal MA, Haeberlin A, Forno ARJD, Orlov M, Frutos M, Cabanas-Grandio P, Lyne J, Leyva F, Tolosana JM, Ollitrault P, Vergara P, Balla C, Devabhaktuni SR, Forleo G, Letsas KP, Verma A, Moak JP, Shelke AB, Curila K, Cronin EM, Futyma P, Wan EY, Lazzerini PE, Bisbal F, Casella M, Turitto G, Rosenthal L, Bunch TJ, Baszko A, Clementy N, Cha YM, Chen HC, Galand V, Schaller R, Jarman JWE, Harada M, Wei Y, Kusano K, Schmidt C, Hurtado MAA, Naksuk N, Hoshiyama T, Kancharla K, Iida Y, Mizobuchi M, Morin DP, Cay S, Paglino G, Dahme T, Agarwal S, Vijayaraman P, Sharma PS. Worldwide survey on implantation of and outcomes for conduction system pacing with His bundle and left bundle branch area pacing leads. J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2023 Jan 6:1–12. doi: 10.1007/s10840-022-01417-4. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36607529; PMCID: PMC9817436.
*Coromilas E, Hennessey JA, Kochav SM and, Wan EY. Atrial fibrillation in women, Chapter 41 - Atrial fibrillation in women, Editor(s): Marianne J. Legato, Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine (Fourth Edition), Academic Press, 2023, Pages 645-654, ISBN 9780323885348.
Piccini JP, Russo AM, Sharma PS, Kron J, Tzou W, Sauer W, Park DS, Birgersdotter-Green U, Frankel DS, Healey JS, Hummel J, Koruth J, Linz D, Mittal S, Nair DG, Nattel S, Noseworthy PA, Steinberg BA, Trayanova NA, Wan EY, Wissner E, Zeitler EP, Wang PJ. Advances in Cardiac Electrophysiology. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2022 Dec;15(12):e009911. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.121.009911. Epub 2022 Nov 28. PMID: 36441565.
Kochav SM, Garan H, Gorenstein LA, Wan EY, Yarmohammadi H. Cardiac Sympathetic Denervation for the Management of Ventricular Arrhythmias. J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2022 Dec;65(3):813-826. doi: 10.1007/s10840-022-01211-2. Epub 2022 Apr 9. PMID: 35397706.
Papa A, Zakharov SI, Katchman AN, Kushner JS, Chen BX, Yang L, Liu G, Jimenez AS, Eisert RJ, Bradshaw GA, Dun W, Ali SR, Rodriques A, Zhou K, Topkara V, Yang M, Morrow JP, Tsai EJ, Karlin A, Wan E, Kalocsay M, Pitt GS, Colecraft HM, Ben-Johny M, Marx SO. Rad regulation of CaV1.2 channels controls cardiac fight-or-flight response. Nat Cardiovasc Res. 2022 Nov;1(11):1022-1038. doi: 10.1038/s44161-022-00157-y. Epub 2022 Nov 14. PMID: 36424916; PMCID: PMC9681059.
Melki L, Tourni M, Wang DY, Weber R, Wan EY, Konofagou EE. A New Electromechanical Wave Imaging Dispersion Metric for the Characterization of Ventricular Activation in Different Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Pacing Schemes. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2023 Mar;70(3):853-859. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2022.3203653. Epub 2023 Feb 17. PMID: 36049009; PMCID: PMC9975111.
* Desai AD, Lavelle M, Boursiquot BC, Wan EY. Long-term complications of COVID-19. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2022 Jan 1;322(1):C1-C11. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00375.2021. Epub 2021 Nov 24. PMID: 34817268; PMCID: PMC8721906.
* Lavelle MP, Desai AD, Wan EY. Arrhythmias in the COVID-19 patient. Heart Rhythm O2. 2022 Feb;3(1):8-14. doi: 10.1016/j.hroo.2022.01.002. Epub 2022 Jan 14. PMID: 35043098; PMCID: PMC8758199.
Ciaccio EJ, Anter E, Coromilas J, Wan EY, Yarmohammadi H, Wit AL, Peters NS, Garan H. Structure and function of the ventricular tachycardia isthmus. Heart Rhythm. 2022 Jan;19(1):137-153. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2021.08.001. Epub 2021 Aug 6. PMID: 34371192.
Kochav SM, Garan H, Gorenstein LA, Wan EY, Yarmohammadi H. Cardiac Sympathetic Denervation for the Management of Ventricular Arrhythmias. J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2022 Apr 9. doi: 10.1007/s10840- 022- 01211-2. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 353977
* Desai AD, Boursiquot BC, Moore CJ, Gopinathannair R, Waase MP, Rubin GA, Wan EY. Autonomic dysfunction post-acute COVID-19 infection. HeartRhythm Case Rep. 2022 Mar;8(3):143-146. doi: 10.1016/j.hrcr.2021.11.019. Epub 2021 Nov 27. PMID: 34868880; PMCID: PMC8626157.
Haeberlin A, Bartkowiak J, Brugger N, Tanner H, Wan E, Baldinger SH, Seiler J, Madaffari A, Thalmann G, Servatius H, Roten L, Noti F, Reichlin T. Evolution of tricuspid valve regurgitation after implantation of a leadless pacemaker: A single center experience, systematic review, and meta-analysis. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2022 Jul;33(7):1617-1627. doi: 10.1111/jce.15565. Epub 2022 Jun 7. PMID: 35614867; PMCID: PMC9545011.
Tovia-Brodie O, Rav Acha M, Belhassen B, Gasperetti A, = GM, Laredo M, Carvès JB, Ignatiuk B, Pasquetto G, De Filippo P, Malanchini G, Pavri BB, Raphael C, Rivetti L, Mantovan R, Chinitz J, Harding M, Boriani G, Casali E, Wan EY, Biviano A, Macias C, Havranek S, Lazzerini PE, Canu AM, Zardini M, Conte G, Cano Ó, Casella M, Rudic B, Omelchenko A, Mathuria N, Upadhyay GA, Danon A, Schwartz AL, Maury P, Nakahara S, Goldenberg G, Schaerli N, Bereza S, Auricchio A, Glikson M, Michowitz Y. Implantation of cardiac electronic devices in active COVID-19 patients: Results from an international survey. Heart Rhythm. 2022 Feb;19(2):206-216. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2021.10.020. Epub 2021 Oct 26. PMID: 34710561; PMCID: PMC8547796
Clair WK, Wan EY, Wang PJ. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Cardiac Electrophysiology: It Is Imperative Now and for Our Future. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2022 Jun;15(6):e010763. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.121.010763. Epub 2022 May 26. PMID: 35617344.
Lavelle MP, Desai AD, Wan EY. Arrhythmias in the COVID-19 patient. Heart Rhythm O2. 2022 Feb;3(1):8-14. doi: 10.1016/j.hroo.2022.01.002. Epub 2022 Jan 14. PMID: 35043098; PMCID: PMC8758199.
*Desai AD, Boursiquot BC, Moore CJ, Gopinathannair R, Waase MP, Rubin GA, Wan EY. Autonomic dysfunction post-acute COVID-19 infection. HeartRhythm Case Rep. 2022 Mar;8(3):143-146. doi: 10.1016/j.hrcr.2021.11.019. Epub 2021 Nov 27. PMID: 34868880; PMCID: PMC8626157.
de Groot NMS, Shah D, Boyle PM, Anter E, Clifford GD, Deisenhofer I, Deneke T, van Dessel P, Doessel O, Dilaveris P, Heinzel FR, Kapa S, Lambiase PD, Lumens J, Platonov PG, Ngarmukos T, Martinez JP, Sanchez AO, Takahashi Y, Valdigem BP, van der Veen AJ, Vernooy K, Casado-Arroyo R; ESC Scientific Document Group; De Potter T, Dinov B, Kosiuk J, Linz D, Neubeck L, Svennberg E, Kim YH, Wan E, Lopez-Cabanillas N, Locati ET, Macfarlane P. Critical appraisal of technologies to assess electrical activity during atrial fibrillation: a position paper from the European Heart Rhythm Association and European Society of Cardiology Working Group on eCardiology in collaboration with the Heart Rhythm Society, Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society, Latin American Heart Rhythm Society and Computing in Cardiology. Europace. 2022 Feb 2;24(2):313-330. doi: 10.1093/europace/euab254. PMID: 34878119.
Mitrani LR, Goldenthal I, Leskowitz J, Wan EY, Dizon J, Saluja D, Creber RM, Turchioe MR, Sciacca RR, Garan H, Hickey KT, Korner J, Biviano AB. Risk factor management of atrial fibrillation using mHealth: The Atrial Fibrillation - Helping Address Care with Remote Technology (AF-HEART) Pilot Study. Cardiovasc Digit Health J. 2021 Nov 24;3(1):14-20. doi: 10.1016/j.cvdhj.2021.11.003. PMID: 35265931; PMCID: PMC8890079.
Tovia-Brodie O, Rav Acha M, Belhassen B, Gasperetti A, Schiavone M, Forleo GB, Guevara-Valdivia ME, Ruiz DV, Lellouche N, Hamon D, Castagno D, Bellettini M, De Ferrari GM, Laredo M, Carvès JB, Ignatiuk B, Pasquetto G, De Filippo P, Malanchini G, Pavri BB, Raphael C, Rivetti L, Mantovan R, Chinitz J, Harding M, Boriani G, Casali E, Wan EY, Biviano A, Macias C, Havranek S, Lazzerini PE, Canu AM, Zardini M, Conte G, Cano Ó, Casella M, Rudic B, Omelchenko A, Mathuria N, Upadhyay GA, Danon A, Schwartz AL, Maury P, Nakahara S, Goldenberg G, Schaerli N, Bereza S, Auricchio A, Glikson M, Michowitz Y. Implantation of cardiac electronic devices in active COVID-19 patients: Results from an international survey. Heart Rhythm. 2022 Feb;19(2):206-216. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2021.10.020. Epub 2021 Oct 26. PMID: 34710561; PMCID: PMC8547796.
Desai AD, Lavelle M, Boursiquot BC, Wan EY. Long-term complications of COVID-19. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2022 Jan 1;322(1):C1-C11. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00375.2021. Epub 2021 Nov 24. PMID: 34817268; PMCID: PMC8721906.
Ciaccio EJ, Anter E, Coromilas J, Wan EY, Yarmohammadi H, Wit AL, Peters NS, Garan H. Structure and function of the ventricular tachycardia isthmus. Heart Rhythm. 2022 Jan;19(1):137-153. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2021.08.001. Epub 2021 Aug 6. PMID: 34371192.
* Avula UMR, Dridi H, Chen BX, Yuan Q, Katchman AN, Reiken SR, Desai AD, Parsons S, Baksh H, Ma E, Dasrat P, Ji R, Lin Y, Sison C, Lederer WJ, Joca HC, Ward CW, Greiser M, Marks AR, Marx SO, Wan EY. Attenuating persistent sodium current-induced atrial myopathy and fibrillation by preventing mitochondrial oxidative stress. JCI Insight. 2021 Oct 28;6(23):e147371. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.147371. PMID:34710060; PMCID: PMC8675199.
Joseph LC, Reyes MV, Homan EA, Gowen B, Avula UMR, Goulbourne CN, Wan EY, Elrod JW, Morrow JP. The mitochondrial calcium uniporter promotes arrhythmias caused by high-fat diet. Sci Rep. 2021 Sep 8;11(1):17808. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-97449-3. PMID: 34497331; PMCID: PMC8426388.
Chrispin J, Frazier-Mills C, Sogade F, Wan EY, Clair WK. Pandemic Highlights Disparities in Health Care. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2021 May;14(5):e009908. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.121.009908. Epub 2021 May 17. PMID: 33993701.
Berman JP, Wan EY, Saluja D, Garan H, Biviano A. High-density Grid Mapping of Micro- and Macro- reentrant Left Atrial Arrhythmias. J Innov Card Rhythm Manag. 2021 Jan 15;12(Suppl 1):28-30. doi: 10.19102/icrm.2021.120105S. PMID: 33604114; PMCID: PMC7885948.
* Desai AD, Howe E, Coromilas E, Zhang Y, Dizon JM, Willey J, Biviano AB, Garan H, Wan EY. Predictors of atrial fibrillation on implantable cardiac monitoring for cryptogenic stroke. J Interv Card Electrophysiol. 2021 Apr 2:1–8. doi: 10.1007/s10840-021-00985-1. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33796969; PMCID: PMC8016653.
Berman JP, Wan EY, Saluja D, Garan H, Biviano A. High-density Grid Mapping of Micro- and Macro- reentrant Left Atrial Arrhythmias. J Innov Card Rhythm Manag. 2021 Jan 15;12(Suppl 1):28-30. doi: 10.19102/icrm.2021.120105S. PMID: 33604114; PMCID: PMC7885948.
* Avula UMR, Melki L, Kushner JS, Liang S, Wan EY. Theoretical Models and Computational Analysis of Action Potential Dispersion for Cardiac Arrhythmia Risk Stratification. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021 Mar 5;8:649489. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2021.649489. PMID: 33748198; PMCID: PMC7973016.
* Chiamvimonvat N, Frazier-Mills C, Shen ST, Avari Silva JN, Wan EY. Sex and Race Disparities in Presumed Sudden Cardiac Death: One Size Does Not Fit All. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2021 May;14(5):e010053. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.121.010053. Epub 2021 May 17. PMID: 33993706; PMCID: PMC8153376.
Melki L, Wang DY, Grubb CS, Weber R, Biviano A, Wan EY, Garan H, Konofagou EE. Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Response Assessment with Electromechanical Activation Mapping within 24 Hours of Device Implantation: A Pilot Study. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2021 Jul;34(7):757-766.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.echo.2021.02.012. Epub 2021 Mar 4. PMID: 33675941; PMCID: PMC8263475.
Ostropolets A, Elias PA, Reyes MV, Wan EY, Pajvani UB, Hripcsak G, Morrow JP. Metformin Is Associated With a Lower Risk of Atrial Fibrillation and Ventricular Arrhythmias Compared With Sulfonylureas: An Observational Study. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2021 Mar;14(3):e009115. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.120.009115. Epub 2021 Feb 7. PMID: 33554609; PMCID: PMC7969445.
Joglar JA, Wan EY, Chung MK, Gutierrez A, Slaughter MS, Bateson BP, Loguidice M, Drazner M, Kistler PM, Saour B, Poole JE, Murtaza G, Turagam MK, Vader J, Lakkireddy D, Birati EY, Dhingra R,
Gopinathannair R. Management of Arrhythmias After Heart Transplant: Current State and Considerations for Future Research. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2021 Mar;14(3):e007954. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.120.007954. Epub 2021 Mar 9. PMID: 33685207.
* Rubin GA, Desai AD, Chai Z, Wang A, Chen Q, Wang AS, Kemal C, Baksh H, Biviano A, Dizon JM, Yarmohammadi H, Ehlert F, Saluja D, Rubin DA, Morrow JP, Avula UMR, Berman JP, Kushnir A, Abrams MP, Hennessey JA, Elias P, Poterucha TJ, Uriel N, Kubin CJ, LaSota E, Zucker J, Sobieszczyk ME, Schwartz A, Garan H, Waase MP, Wan EY. Cardiac Corrected QT Interval Changes Among Patients Treated for COVID-19 Infection During the Early Phase of the Pandemic. JAMA Netw Open. 2021 Apr 1;4(4):e216842. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.6842. PMID: 33890991; PMCID: PMC8065381.
* Nalbandian A, Sehgal K, Gupta A, Madhavan MV, McGroder G, Stevens J, Cook J, Nordvig N, Shalev D,Sehrawt T, Ahluwalia N, Bikdeli B, Dietz D, Der-Nigoghossian C, Liyanage-Don N, Rosner G, Bernste, Mohan S, Beckley AA, Seres DS, Coueiri TK, Uriel N, Ausiello JC, Accili D, Freedberg D, Baldwin M, Schwartz A, Brodie D, Kim-Garcia C, Elkind MS, Connors JM, Bilezikian JP, Landry DW and Wan EY.Post-acute COVID-19: Multiorgan Sequelae and Management Considerations. Nature Medicine. Accepted. 2021.
* Gupta A, Madhavan MV, Poterucha TJ, DeFilippis EM, Hennessey JA, Redfors B, Eckhardt C, Bikdeli B, Platt J, Nalbandian A, Elias P, Cummings MJ, Nouri SN, Lawlor M, Ranard LS, Li J, Boyle C, Givens R, Brodie D, Krumholz HM, Stone GW, Sethi SS, Burkhoff D, Uriel N, Schwartz A, Leon MB, Kirtane AJ, Wan EY+ and Parikh SA+. +co-senior authors. Association Between Antecedent Statin Use and Decreased Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19. Nature Communications. Accepted. 2021.
* Desai AD, Boursiquot BC, Melki L and Wan EY. Management of Arrhythmias Associated with COVID-19. Current Cardiology Reports. 2021, 23 (1) 2. (in press).
Wan EY, Ghanbari H, Akoum N, Itzhak Attia Z, Asirvatham SJ, Chung EH, Dagher L, Al-Khatib SM, Stuart Mendenhall G, McManus DD, Pathak RK, Passman RS, Peters NS, Schwartzman DS, Svennberg E, Tarakji KG, Turakhia MP, Trela A, Yarmohammadi H, Marrouche NF. HRS White Paper on Clinical Utilization of Digital Health Technology. Cardiovasc Digit Health J. 2021 Jul 10;2(4):196-211. doi: 10.1016/j.cvdhj.2021.07.001. PMID: 35265910; PMCID: PMC8890053.
Coromilas EJ, Kochav S, Goldenthal I, Biviano A, Garan H, Goldbarg S, Kim JH, Yeo I, Tracy C, Ayanian S, Akar J, Singh A, Jain S, Zimerman L, Pimentel M, Osswald S, Twerenbold R, Schaerli N, Crotti L, Fabbri D, Parati G, Li Y, Atienza F, Zatarain E, Tse G, Leung KSK, Guevara-Valdivia ME, Rivera-Santiago CA, Soejima K, De Filippo P, Ferrari P, Malanchini G, Kanagaratnam P, Khawaja S, Mikhail GW, Scanavacca M, Abrahão Hajjar L, Rizerio B, Sacilotto L, Mollazadeh R, Eslami M, Laleh Far V, Mattioli AV, Boriani G, Migliore F, Cipriani A, Donato F, Compagnucci P, Casella M, Dello Russo A, Coromilas J, Aboyme A, O'Brien CG, Rodriguez F, Wang PJ, Naniwadekar A, Moey M, Kow CS, Cheah WK, Auricchio A, Conte G, Hwang J, Han S, Lazzerini PE, Franchi F, Santoro A, Capecchi PL, Joglar JA, Rosenblatt AG, Zardini M, Bricoli S, Bonura R, Echarte-Morales J, Benito-González T, Minguito-Carazo C, Fernández- Vázquez F, Wan EY. WorldwideSurvey of COVID-19-Associated Arrhythmias. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2021 Mar;14(3):e009458. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.120.009458. Epub 2021 Feb 7. PMID: 33554620; PMCID: PMC7982128.
Wang Y, Wang Z, Tse G, Zhang L, Wan EY, Guo Y, Lip GYH, Li G, Lu Z, Liu T. Cardiac arrhythmias in patients with COVID-19. J Arrhythm. 2020;36(5):827-36. Epub 2020/10/08. doi: 10.1002/joa3.12405. PubMed PMID: 33024460; PMCID: PMC7532267.
Tarakji KG, Silva JNA, Chen LY, Turakhia MP, Perez MV, Attia ZI, Passman R, Boissy A, Cho DJ, Majmudar M, Mehta N, Wan EY, Chung MK. Digital Health and the Care of the Arrhythmia Patient; What Every Electrophysiologist Needs to Know. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2020. Epub 2020/10/07. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.120.007953. PubMed PMID: 33021815.
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Sayseng V, Grondin J, Salgaonkar VA, Grubb CS, Basij M, Mehrmohammadi M, Iyer V, Wang D, Garan H, Wan EY, Konofagou EE. Catheter Ablation Lesion Visualization With Intracardiac Strain Imaging in Canines and Humans. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control. 2020;67(9):1800-10. Epub 2020/04/20. doi: 10.1109/TUFFC.2020.2987480. PubMed PMID: 32305909; PMCID: PMC7483419.
Rubin GA, Wan EY, Saluja D, Thomas G, Slotwiner DJ, Goldbarg S, Chaudhary S, Turitto G, Dizon J, Yarmohammadi H, Ehlert F, Rubin DA, Morrow JP, Waase M, Berman J, Kushnir A, Abrams MP, Halik C, Kumaraiah D, Schwartz A, Kirtane A, Kodali S, Goldenthal I, Garan H, Biviano A. Restructuring Electrophysiology During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Practical Guide From a New York City Hospital Network. Crit Pathw Cardiol. 2020;19(3):105-11. Epub 2020/04/24. doi: 10.1097/HPC.0000000000000225. PubMed PMID: 32324622; PMCID: PMC7188041.
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* Rubin GA, Biviano A, Dizon J, Yarmohammadi H, Ehlert F, Saluja D, Rubin DA, Morrow JP, Waase M, Berman J, Kushnir A, Abrams MP, Garan H, Wan EY. Performance of electrophysiology procedures at an academic medical center amidst the 2020 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2020;31(6):1249-54. Epub 2020/04/14. doi: 10.1111/jce.14493. PubMed PMID: 32281214; PMCID: PMC7262273.
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Hickey KT, Colombo PC, Naka Y, Garan AR, Yuzefpolskaya M, Garan H, Wan EY, Sciacca RR, Goldenthal I, Biviano AB. Atrial Fibrillation Is Associated with Recurrent Ventricular Arrhythmias After LVAD Implant: Incidence and Impact in a Consecutive Series. J Cardiovasc Transl Res. 2020;13(2):199- 203. Epub 2019/11/07. doi: 10.1007/s12265-019-09914-0. PubMed PMID: 31696404.
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Kochav SM, Coromilas E, Nalbandian A, Ranard LS, Gupta A, Chung MK, Gopinathannair R, Biviano AB, Garan H, Wan EY.Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. Cardiac Arrhythmias in COVID-19 Infection. 2020 Jun;13(6):e008719. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.120.008719. Epub 2020 May 20
Lakkireddy DR, Chung MK, Patton KK, Gluckman TJ, Turagam M, Cheung J, Patel P, Sotomonte J, Lampert R, Han JK, Rajagopalan B, Eckhardt L, Joglar J, Sandau K, Olshansky B, Wan E, Noseworthy PA, Leal M, Kaufman E, Gutierrez A, Marine JE, Wang PJ, Russo AM. Guidance for Cardiac Electrophysiology During the COVID-19 Pandemic from the Heart Rhythm Society COVID-19 Task Force; Electrophysiology Section of the American College of Cardiology; and the Electrocardiography and Arrhythmias Committee of the Council on Clinical Cardiology, American Heart Association. Circulation. 2020 May 26;141(21):e823-e831. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.120.047063. Epub 2020 Mar 31. PubMed PMID: 32228309; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7243667.
Kochav SM, Coromilas E, Nalbandian A, Ranard LS, Gupta A, Chung MK, Gopinathannair R, Biviano AB, Garan H, Wan EY. Cardiac Arrhythmias in COVID-19 Infection. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2020 May 20;. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.120.008719. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32434385; NIHMSID:NIHMS1597005.
Rubin GA, Wan EY, Saluja D, Thomas G, Slotwiner DJ, Goldbarg S, Chaudhary S, Turitto G, Dizon J, Yarmohammadi H, Ehlert F, Rubin DA, Morrow JP, Waase M, Berman J, Kushnir A, Abrams MP, Halik C, Kumaraiah D, Schwartz A, Kirtane A, Kodali S, Goldenthal I, Garan H, Biviano A. Restructuring Electrophysiology During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Practical Guide from a New York City Hospital Network. Crit Pathw Cardiol. 2020 Apr 21;. doi: 10.1097/HPC.0000000000000225. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32324622; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7188041.
Sayseng V, Grondin J, Salgaonkar V, Grubb CS, Basij M, Mehrmohammadi M, Iyer V, Wang D, Garan H, Wan EY, Konofagou E. Catheter ablation lesion visualization with intracardiac strain imaging in canines and humans. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control. 2020 Apr 15;. doi: 10.1109/TUFFC.2020.2987480. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32305909.
Rubin GA, Biviano A, Dizon J, Yarmohammadi H, Ehlert F, Saluja D, Rubin DA, Morrow JP, Waase M, Berman J, Kushnir A, Abrams MP, Garan H, Wan EY. Performance of electrophysiology procedures at an academic medical center amidst the 2020 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2020 Apr 13;. doi: 10.1111/jce.14493. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32281214.
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Lakkireddy DR, Chung MK, Gopinathannair R, Patton KK, Gluckman TJ, Turagam M, Cheung J, Patel P, Sotomonte J, Lampert R, Han JK, Rajagopalan B, Eckhardt L, Joglar J, Sandau K, Olshansky B, Wan E, Noseworthy PA, Leal M, Kaufman E, Gutierrez A, Marine JM, Wang PJ, Russo AM. Guidance for Cardiac Electrophysiology During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic from the Heart Rhythm Society COVID-19 Task Force; Electrophysiology Section of the American College of Cardiology; and the Electrocardiography and Arrhythmias Committee of the Council on Clinical Cardiology, American Heart Association. Heart Rhythm. 2020 Apr 1;. doi: 10.1016/j.hrthm.2020.03.028. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32247013; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7118697.
Hickey KT, Colombo PC, Naka Y, Garan AR, Yuzefpolskaya M, Garan H, Wan EY, Sciacca RR, Goldenthal I, Biviano AB. Atrial Fibrillation Is Associated with Recurrent Ventricular Arrhythmias After LVAD Implant: Incidence and Impact in a Consecutive Series. J Cardiovasc Transl Res. 2020 Apr;13(2):199-203. doi: 10.1007/s12265-019-09914-0. Epub 2019 Nov 6. PubMed PMID: 31696404.
Grubb CS, Melki L, Wang DY, Peacock J, Dizon J, Iyer V, Sorbera C, Biviano A, Rubin DA, Morrow JP, Saluja D, Tieu A, Nauleau P, Weber R, Chaudhary S, Khurram I, Waase M, Garan H, Konofagou EE, Wan EY. Noninvasive localization of cardiac arrhythmias using electromechanical wave imaging. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Mar 25;12(536). doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aax6111. PubMed PMID: 32213631; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7234276.
Rubin GA, Wan EY. Leadless Pacemakers after Cardiac Transplantation. ASAIO J. 2020 Mar;66(3):e57. doi: 10.1097/MAT.0000000000001114. PubMed PMID: 31996537.
Joseph LC, Avula UMR, Wan EY, Reyes MV, Lakkadi KR, Subramanyam P, Nakanishi K, Homma S, Muchir A, Pajvani UB, Thorp EB, Reiken SR, Marks AR, Colecraft HM, Morrow JP. Dietary Saturated Fat Promotes Arrhythmia by Activating NOX2 (NADPH Oxidase 2). Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2019 Nov;12(11):e007573. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.119.007573. Epub 2019 Oct 31. PubMed PMID: 31665913; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7004280.
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Melki L, Grubb CS, Weber R, Nauleau P, Garan H, Wan E, Silver ES, Liberman L, Konofagou EE. 3D-rendered Electromechanical Wave Imaging for Localization of Accessory Pathways in Wolff-Parkinson-White Minors. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2019 Jul;2019:6192-6195. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857876. PubMed PMID: 31947257.
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*Wan E, Dizon J, Whang W, Garan H. Parsing a perplexing paroxysmal pathway. HeartRhythm Case Rep. 2015;1(6):453-6. Epub 2015/09/04. doi: 10.1016/j.hrcr.2015.06.013. PubMed PMID: 28491605; PMCID: PMC5419728.
*Wan E, Boyden PA. Matter of Fat: Are Lipids Antiarrhythmic? Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2015;8(6):1313-5. Epub 2015/12/17. doi: 10.1161/CIRCEP.115.003636. PubMed PMID: 26671935; PMCID: PMC4683404.
Provost J, Costet A, Wan E, Gambhir A, Whang W, Garan H, Konofagou EE. Assessing the atrial electromechanical coupling during atrial focal tachycardia, flutter, and fibrillation using electromechanical wave imaging in humans. Comput Biol Med. 2015;65:161-7. Epub 2015/09/12. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2015.08.005. PubMed PMID: 26361338; PMCID: PMC4591246.
Grondin J, Wan E, Gambhir A, Garan H, Konofagou E. Intracardiac myocardial elastography in canines and humans in vivo. IEEE Trans Ultrason Ferroelectr Freq Control. 2015;62(2):337-49. Epub 2015/02/03. doi: 10.1109/TUFFC.2014.006784. PubMed PMID: 25643083; PMCID: PMC4315358.
Biviano AB, Ciaccio EJ, Fleitman J, Knotts R, Lawrence J, Haynes N, Cyrille N, Hickey K, Iyer V, Wan E, Whang W, Garan H. Atrial Tachycardias After Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Manifest Different Waveform Characteristics: Implications for Characterizing Tachycardias. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2015;26(11):1187-95. Epub 2015/08/01. doi: 10.1111/jce.12770. PubMed PMID: 26228873; PMCID: PMC4733590.
Adams T, Wan E, Wei Y, Wahab R, Castagna F, Wang G, Emin M, Russo C, Homma S, Le Jemtel TH, Jelic
S. Secondhand Smoking Is Associated With Vascular Inflammation. Chest. 2015;148(1):112-9. Epub 2015/03/06. doi: 10.1378/chest.14-2045. PubMed PMID: 25742439; PMCID: PMC4493867.
*Wan E, Yeap XY, Dehn S, Terry R, Novak M, Zhang S, Iwata S, Han X, Homma S, Drosatos K, Lomasney J, Engman DM, Miller SD, Vaughan DE, Morrow JP, Kishore R, Thorp EB. Enhanced efferocytosis of apoptotic cardiomyocytes through myeloid-epithelial-reproductive tyrosine kinase links acute inflammation resolution to cardiac repair after infarction. Circ Res. 2013;113(8):1004-12. Epub 2013/07/10. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.113.301198. PubMed PMID: 23836795; PMCID: PMC3840464.
*Wan E, Kushner JS, Zakharov S, Nui XW, Chudasama N, Kelly C, Waase M, Doshi D, Liu G, Iwata S, Shiomi T, Katchman A, D'Armiento J, Homma S, Marx SO. Reduced vascular smooth muscle BK channel current underlies heart failure-induced vasoconstriction in mice. FASEB J. 2013;27(5):1859-67. Epub 2013/01/18. doi: 10.1096/fj.12-223511. PubMed PMID: 23325318; PMCID: PMC3633822.
Huang H, Amin V, Gurin M, Wan E, Thorp E, Homma S, Morrow JP. Diet-induced obesity causes long QT and reduces transcription of voltage-gated potassium channels. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2013;59:151-8. Epub 2013/03/23. doi: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2013.03.007. PubMed PMID: 23517696; PMCID: PMC3647001.
Ganda A, Onat D, Demmer RT, Wan E, Vittorio TJ, Sabbah HN, Colombo PC. Venous congestion and endothelial cell activation in acute decompensated heart failure. Curr Heart Fail Rep. 2010;7(2):66-74. Epub 2010/04/29. doi: 10.1007/s11897-010-0009-5. PubMed PMID: 20424989; PMCID: PMC3874714.
Vigilance DW, Garrido M, Williams M, Wan E, Zeidner A, Casher J, Kherani A, Morgan J, Naka Y, Smith C, Oz MC, Argenziano M. Off-pump epicardial atrial fibrillation surgery utilizing a novel bipolar radiofrequency system. Heart Surg Forum. 2006;9(5):E803-6. Epub 2006/11/15. doi: 10.1532/hsf98.20061019. PubMed PMID: 17099977
Cauwels A, Wan E, Leismann M, Tuomanen E. Coexistence of CD14-dependent and independent pathways for stimulation of human monocytes by gram-positive bacteria. Infect Immun. 1997;65(8):3255- 60. Epub 1997/08/01. doi: 10.1128/IAI.65.8.3255-3260.1997. PubMed PMID: 9234783; PMCID: PMC175460.
Guttipatti P, Saadallah N, Ji R, Avula UM, Goulbourne CN, Wan EY. “Quantitative 3D electron microscopy characterization of mitochondrial structure, mitophagy, and organelle interactions in murine atrial fibrillation”. Journal of Structural Biology. 216(3):108110 (2024).
Guttipatti P, Ji R, Saadallah N, Wan EY. “Development of novel 3D in vivo tracking of myofibroblasts and fibrosis with panoramic optical mapping after murine myocardial infarction”. Accepted oral presentation at American Heart Association 2024 conference.
Guttipatti P, Ji R, Saadallah N, Avula UM, Dasrat P, Parsons S, Wan EY. “Neurocognitive and vascular dysfunction in a murine model of atrial fibrillation is attenuated by mitochondrial catalase”. Accepted poster presentation at American Heart Association 2024 conference.
Pavithran Guttipatti, Najla Saadallah, Ruiping Ji, Elaine Y. Wan, "Novel 3D whole heart optical mapping imaging shows rotational reentry sites of ventricular fibrillation originate at border zone sites of mitochondrial dysfunction", American College Cardiology 2024 Annual Scientific Sessions, Atlanta, GA. April 2024.
Najla Saadallah, Pavithran Guttipatti, Ruiping Ji, Elaine Y. Wan, "Chaotic and organized rhythms: What Are the Substrate Differences Seen In 3D Panoramic Optical Mapping in Atrial Fibrillation vs. Atrial Flutter", American College Cardiology 2024 Annual Scientific Sessions, Atlanta , GA. April 2024.
"Panoramic Optical Mapping and Micro-Computed Tomography for 3D Characterization of the Arrhythmogenic Substrate in Murine Hearts." Lea Melki, Uma M. Avula, Ruiping Ji, Amar D. Desai, Elaine Y. WanHeart Rhythm Society 2021 Annual Scientific Sessions, Boston, MA. July 2021.
"Autonomic Dysfunction in COVID-19" Amar D. Desai, Brian C. Boursiquot, Catherine J. Moore, Hasan Garan, Rakesh Gopinathannair, Elaine Y. Wan, Marc P. Waase, Geoffrey A. Rubin, , Heart Rhythm Society 2021 Annual Scientific Sessions, Boston, MA. July 2021.
"Sexual Dimorphic Characteristics In A Mouse Model Of Atrial Fibrillation." Uma Avula, Charlotte Buck, Meghana Noonavath, Hasan Garan, Steven Marx, Elaine Wan. AHA Scientific Sessions, Anaheim, CA 2017
"Spatiotemporal Gradients Are Necessary For Initiation And Maintenance Of Atrial Fibrillation In Mice." Uma Avula, Charlotte Buck, Meghana Noonavath, Hasan Garan, Steven Marx, Elaine Wan, AHA Scientific Sessions, Anaheim, CA 2017
"Attenuating Mitochondrial ROS Reduces AF In Mice With Persistent Na+ Current." Uma Avula, Meghana Noonavath, Charlotte Buck, Hasan Garan, Steven Marx, Elaine Wan, AHA Scientific Sessions, Anaheim, CA 2017
Heart Rhythm 2017 | Lesion Gap Visualization and Assessment of Lesion Transmurality using Intracardiac Myocardial Elastography [Board No. C-PO05-141]
Heart Rhythm 2017 | A 4 Year Retrospective Review of Prevalent Cardiac Conduction Abnormalities and Surgical Outcomes of Tricuspid Annuloplasty During Cardiac Transplantation: A Single Center Experience [Board No. C-PO06-111]
"Spatiotemporal gradients are necessary for initiation and maintenance of atrial fibrillation in F1759A-NaV1.5 mice" Uma Mahesh R. Avula, MD, Jeffrey Abrams, PhD, Hasan Garan, MD, Steven O. Marx, MD and Elaine Wan, MD; Heart Rhythm scientific session, Chicago, 2017
“Aberrant sodium influx causes spontaneous atrial fibrillation and mitochondrial injury in a novel transgenic mouse" Oral presentation. Cardiostim, Nice France, June 2016
“Using electromechanical wave imaging, a novel non-invasive ultrasound imaging tool to detect endocardial versus epicardial arrhythmia origins" Oral presentation. Cardiostim, Nice France, June 2016
"Real time Imaging of Lesion Formation During Radiofrequency Ablation Using Intracardiac Myocardial Elastography" Oral presentation. Cardiostim, Nice France, June 2016
"Electromechanical wave imaging: a novel non-invasive tool for atrial arrhythmia mapping" Poster presentation. Cardiostim, Nice France, June 2016
Wan E, Grondin J, Biviano A, Whang W, Gambhir A, Konofagou E, Garan H. Novel Method Using Intracardiac Myocardial Elastography Provides Real-time Assessment of Right and Left Atrial Radiofrequency Ablation in Humans. American Heart Association, November 15-19, 2014. Poster Presentation. Chicago, Illinois.
Wan E, Bucciarellia L, Mecklai A, Klapholz M, Jelic S, Onat D, Adams T, LeJemtel T, Jorde U, Konstam M, Colombo P. Increased Nitric Oxide Degradation by Oxidative Stress and Decreased Nitric Oxide Production by Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Cause Severe Derangement of Venous Nitric Oxide Balance in Decompensated Heart Failure. American College of Cardiology. March 2009. Poster Presentation. Orlando, Florida.
Jelic, S, Wan E, Adams T, Padeletti M, Bucciarelli L, Colombo P, Factor P, LeJemtel T. Direct Evidence of Adverse Effects of Smoking on Vascular Endothelium. American Thoracic Society. May 19-21, 2008. Poster Presentation. Toronto, Canada.
Okrasinski SJ, Wan EY, Lee W-N, Oe Y, and Konofagou EE. Early Detection of Coronary Stenosis with Myocardial Elastography: A Clinical Feasibility Study. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. Oct 11-14, 2010. Oral Presentation. San Diego, CA.
Ethan A. Bunting, Clement Papadacci, Elaine Y. Wan, Julien L. Grondin, Elisa E. Konofagou Intracardiac myocardial elastography for lesion quantification in cardiac radiofrequency ablation. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Tours, France), September 18 to 21, 2016. Finalist for IEEE IUS 2016 Student Paper Competition.
Alexandre Costet, Elaine Y. Wan, Lea Melki, Ethan A. Bunting, Julien L. Grondin, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou. Electromechanical wave imaging of focal ventricular tachycardia for non-invasive detection and differentiation of endocardial from epicardial sources in a paced large animal model. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Tours, France), September 18 to 21, 2016
Alexandre Costet, Elaine Y. Wan, Ethan A. Bunting, Julien L. Grondin, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou Source Visualization of Focal Atrial Arrhythmia using Electromechanical Wave Imaging. 37th Heart Rhythm Society Annual Scientific Sessions (San Francisco, CA, USA), May 4 to 7, 2016
Alexandre Costet, Elaine Y. Wan, Lea Melki, Ethan A. Bunting, Julien L. Grondin, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou. Electromechanical Wave Imaging of VT for the non-invasive detection and differentiation of endocardial from epicardial sources in a paced animal model. 37th Heart Rhythm Society Annual Scientific Sessions (San Francisco, CA, USA), May 4 to 7, 2016
Julien L. Grondin, Alexandre Costet, Ethan A. Bunting, Alok Gambhir, Elaine Y. Wan, Elisa E. Konofagou Validation of Electromechanical Wave Imaging in canine left ventricles against electrography. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Taipei, Taiwan), October 21 to 24, 2015
Alexandre Costet, Ethan A. Bunting, Elaine Y. Wan, Elisa E. Konofago Electromechanical Wave Imaging of Atrial Tachycardia and Myocardial Infarct In Vivo: a Feasibility Study. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Taipei, Taiwan), October 21 to 24, 2015
Julien L. Grondin, Elaine Y. Wan, Alok Gambhir, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou Intracardiac Myocardial Elastography for Assessment of Right and Left Atrial Radiofrequency Ablation Lesions in Humans. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (Brooklyn, NY, USA), April 16 to 19, 2015
Julien L. Grondin, Elaine Y. Wan, Alok Gambhir, Stanley J. Okrasinski, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou Intracardiac Myocardial Elastography in Humans In Vivo during Radio-Frequency Ablation. 166th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (San Francisco, CA, USA), December 2 to 6, 2013
Julien L. Grondin, Elaine Y. Wan, Alok Gambhir, Hasan Garan, Elisa E. Konofagou Intracardiac Myocardial Elastography at high temporal resolution in canines and humans in vivo. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (Prague, Czech Republic), July 21 to 25, 2013
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